Economic Development
in the Balkans

Let's create happy people in the world!
We can do this!
  • LOVE is the key emotion.
  • KNOWLEDGE is the basis.
  • INNOVATION is the key strategy.
  • INTERNATIONALISATION is the key tool.
Prof. Dr. Danka Milojković

Training Programmes

Trainings created according to user needs
  • entrepreneurial training program
  • cluster development training program
  • project cycle management
  • sustainable economic and tourism development
  • marketing and promotion

Access to Funds

Preparation of business development projects
  • business plan, investment program, and feasibility study preparation
  • project proposal and tender documentation preparation

Technical Assistance

Informative, professional and technical support
  • project management
  • development of business applications, information systems, databases, and QA
  • website and social network profile development and maintenance
  • copywriting, translation, proofreading
  • organization of events – training, seminar, conference, forum, workshop, study trip, business excursion,
    exhibition, fair, B2B matchmaking, webinar, and company anniversary
  • call center
  • rental a space for meetings, focus groups, and training in Niš
  • rental of a comfortable, air-conditioned vehicle (6+1) with a driver
  • business registration in the Agency for Commercial Register
  • bookkeeping and accounting, tax and financial advisory
  • advertising, recruitment, selection, hiring, and training
  • market research, and networking
  • branding, digital marketing, and e-commerce
  • promotional material preparation: flyers, brochures, catalogs, business cards, etc.
Why Us

How we do it

Gain Project Advantage

Project partnerships

The LEDIB Cluster House operates as a project applicant or project partner on economic and tourism development projects financed by funds such EU, UN, WB, WTO, AfDB, CEI, DANIDA, LuxDev, GIZ, etc.

Results-Oriented Solutions

Operational strategies

The LEDIB Cluster House provides information, training and business advising services to potential and existing members.

From Practice to Science

"Cluster House" business development model

The LEDIB Cluster House has more than 3,000 members and is continuously recruiting new members.
In the field of networking and internationalization, the LEDIB Cluster House is an initiator and a coordinator of the Balkan & Black Sea Cluster Network, the Balkan Cluster BG.RS and the CZ-RS SME Trade Bridge platforms; the Balkan and Black Sea conference Days of Clusters; the INFOCLUSTER journal, and the LEDIB Cluster House TV program.


Case studies

About Us

Who we are

The LEDIB Cluster House Union is a business membership organization for local economic development in Serbia and the Balkans. With the technical support of the Danish LEDIB Program, the LEDIB Cluster House was founded on the initiative of seven clusters of southeastern Serbia in Niš, in 2011. The headquarters of the LEDIB Cluster House is in Niš.

Act locally, think globally!

The members of the LEDIB Cluster House are clusters, associations, companies, entrepreneurs, and experts in the Balkan Region. The beneficiaries of the LEDIB Cluster House are from 7 ages and beyond – pupils, youth, women, minority groups, entrepreneurs, SMEs, BMOs, BDSs, public, and education sector. The stakeholders of the LEDIB Cluster House are public sector institutions, the academic community, financial organizations, donors and the media.

The governing bodies of the LEDIB Cluster House consist of the Assembly, the Management Board and the Supervisory Board. The LEDIB Cluster House Coordinator is responsible for the operational management of the LEDIB Cluster House. Associates of the LEDIB Cluster House are experts in the fields of sustainable development, strategic management, leadership, entrepreneurship, PCM, psychology, economy, tourism, e-commerce, digital marketing, software development, IT/QA, and HRM.

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