What We Do
LEDIB Cluster House Union Portfolio
- Enable business environment for SME development. BMOs development. Cluster development. Local Economic development in the Balkans LEDIB Programme, Ni[ava District, Serbia. DANIDA, MFA, Denmark, 2011-2012
- Consultancy on training forestry staff on human resources management. Lux-Development, Project YUG/812 FODEMO Project Office, Podgorica, MONTENEGRO, 2012
- Modernization and renewal of the sport infrastructure in the cross border region of Montana and Pirot. EU CBC CCI BG-SER No 2007CB16IPO006, 2014
- TABLE – Furniture Cluster CBC – Prekogranični klaster nameštaja – Транс-граничен мебелен клъстер. №. 2007CB16IPO006-2011-2-169, EU CBC CCI BG-RS No 2007CB16IPO006, 2014
- Balkan and Black Sea Conference ”Days of Clusters”. 2010 – 2016
- I-III BBS Conference Days of Clusters 2010-2012 Nis, financed by the LEDIB Programme, Nis, Serbia
- IV BBS Conference Days of Clusters 2013 Sofia, co-financed by the Association of Business Clusters Sofia Bulgaria
- V BBS Conference Days of Clusters 2014 Tekirdağ, co-financed by the Trakya Development Agency Tekirdağ Turkey
- VI BBS Conference Days of Clusters 2015 Brasov, co-financed by the Romanian Cluster Association – CLUSTERO Bucharest, Romania
- VII BBS Conference Days of Clusters 2016 Ohrid, co-financed by the NCDIEL, Skopje, North Macedonia
- Conduct Mapping of Organic Clusters for Upper and Lower Egypt. SFD/AfDB, 2015
- The Balkan Cluster. EU IPA CBC BG-SER, 2015 – 2016
- The Importance of Clusters for the Trade and SMEs Development. Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Czech – Programme Aid for Trade – Serbia, 2016
- Raising the innovation capacity of SMEs and business for inclusion in supply chains. Serbian Development Agency, GIZ, 2016 – 2017
- BE DIFFERENT 1&2! – Verification of scalability model “Activator” through building implementation capacities in accordance with the requirements of the increased number of users in the Jablanica District. Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Unit of the Government of the Republic of Serbia, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, 2016 – 2017
- Empowering women of South Serbia through the formation of clusters of old crafts. Serbian Development Agency, GIZ, 2017
- BE.ST. (BEst practices to STimulate Serbian SMEs growth). KEP/CEI/EBRD, 2019
- Technical Assistance to the Development Sechura (Piura) Fisheries and Aquiculture Cluster. CGA, Washington, USA, 2019
- Training for representatives of the CPE and women CSOs aiming to increase their project management capacities RFQ/ECA30/2021/03289. Project “Improved Safety of Women in Serbia”, technically supported by the UN Women and financially supported by the Norwegian MFA, 2021
- WORTH Partnership Project. Managed by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency, Brussel, Belgian, EU/EASME-COSME Programme, 2018-ongoing
- Projects
DAYS OF CLUSTERS (DofC) CONFERENCE: a powerful tool for cluster policy advocacy & clusters internationalization
7 years of the Balkan & Black Sea DofC Conference:
Niš-Serbia (2010-2012)
Sofia-Bulgaria (2013)
Tekirdag-Turky (2014)
Brasov-Romania (2015), and
Ohrid-North Macedonia (2016)
Conference participants gathered from 5 continents:
Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia with Oceania and North America
and from 33 countries:
Albania, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Check Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Macedonia, Malawi, Montenegro, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Republic of Korea, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom and USA
The most important advocacy outcomes of the DofC Conferences are:
- The Serbian cluster collaboration platform was established in the framework of the DofC 2011 in Nis, Serbia.
- The Balkan and Black Sea Cluster Network was established in the framework of the DofC 2012 in Nis, Serbia.
- Internationalisation of the Serbian brand „Days of Clusters“ started with the proposal of the Bulgarian Dental Tourism Cluster to be a host of the DofC 2013.
- The DofC 2014 in Tekirdag, Turkey was the biggest cluster conference in the SE Europe gathered over 250 professionals from 17 countries, included in the Agenda for the first time Cluster Learning Trip.
- The DofC 2015 in Brasov, Romania was a platform for signing of the multilateral memorandum of understanding between cluster actors from Serbia, Czech Republic, Russia, Romania and Hungarian with the aim of boosting the innovation and competitiveness in the region through clusters.
- One of the key DofC 2015 outputs is THE SMART CLUSTER POLICY Declaration aimed to the governments of the Danube Region countries and their representatives in the EUSDR’s PA 8 Steering Group to put the set of proposals on their agenda which will contribute to creation of the enable cluster environment in the region.
- In the framework of the DofC 2016 in Ohrid, Macedonia, cluster actors from the Balkan & Black Sea Cluster House Network signed a cooperation agreement with the Keimyung University Daegu, Republic of Korea.
- In the framework of the 10th ECCP Greece Cluster Matchmaking Mission in Thessaloniki (September 2017), the Smart Balkan Cluster Policy Declaration – prepared under Dr. Danka Milojkovic’s coordination- had been proposed by the Cluster house BBS ClusNet, as the Round Table output paper, to the Unit for Cluster, Social Economy and Entrepreneurship, DG Growth, European Commission.
- conferences
The LEDIB Cluster House consists of the group of experts with skills and expertise in the following areas: Sustainable Development, Management, Project Management, Entrepreneurship, Leadership, Psychology, Economy, Law, Digital Marketing, Tourism, Software Development, and IT.
The LEDIB Cluster House Union, as a membership project-based organization for sustainable economic and tourism development, is specialized for youth entrepreneurship, social and women entrepreneurship, environment protection and sustainable economa and tourism, start-ups, the economical empower of sensitive and minority groups.
Training programmes related to the LEDIB Cluster House Union group of experts are the following:
2002-2003, Training Programme “Summer School of Entrepreneurship: from a Kindergarten Child to Successful Businessman”, Nis, Serbia, supported by EAR/EU
2007-2008, Project Cycle Management Training Programme in Serbia (Vrujci Spa, Požarevac)
2009-2010, Training Programme “Pupiles Entrepreneurship” in primary schools, Nis-Aleksinac, Serbia, with the support of the Danish LEDIB Programme. Editor of the first Manual on student entrepreneurship in Serbia.
2011 – on going, Cluster Development Training Programme in the Balkans
2012 – Training forestry staff on human resources management. The tailor made HRM Training Programme structured on the Training 3D Methodology (30% Design of Training, 40% Description – theoretical knowledge and 30% Discussion of Case Studies). Montenegro, implemented by FODEMO, supported by LuxDev.
2015, “Cluster House Model for Sustainable Economic Development in Countries in Transition with focus on clustering in agriculture” at the Second Training Workshop on “Strengthening value chains”, for public-private sector representatives from Macedonia, Albania, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia, in Andrevlje, Vojvodina/Serbia, supported by FAO UN Italy in partnership with Mr. Lars Albek, Dansk Boldspil-Union (DBU),Business Link Greater Copenhagen (Væksthus Hovedstadsregionen), Cluster Excellence Denmark
2015, UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION, CLUSTERS AND BUSINESS LINKAGES UNIT, Vienna AUSTRIA, under the “Enhancing the competitiveness of local SMEs in Montenegro through cluster development” project, 3 day Training on “ Access to funds and preparing proposals for EU projects” for BMOs, clusters and governmental institutions and the Round table discussion on “CLUSTERS – THE PATH OF ECONOMIC INTEGRATION OF THE CEFTA REGION“, within the DIHK – CEFTA Partnership Project, organized by Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro, 2015
2013-2016, Youth entrepreneurship training programme within the Balkan Cluster platform
2017, Workshop on international marketing, technology transfer, sale and distribution for MSMEs; the first export of micro, SMEs – members of the Agro Cluster Homolje in Požarevac 22.12.2017 and Zagubica 26.12.2017 in the frame of project supported by Serbian development Agency.
2017-2018, Training Programme “Race for the Entrepreneurial South of Serbia” within the framework of which workshops and competitions of pupils entrepreneurial ideas were organized, establishment of the first cluster of youth entrepreneurship “Activator” in Leskovac, Serbia, and introduced the unique cluster-based business development model for youth entrepreneurship at the ECCP Cluster Matchmaking event in Thessaloniki (2017).
2018- Students Entrepreneurial Training Programme supported by FEFA Belgrade, in the Cluster House Training Centar, Nis, Serbia
2018, Women Entrepreneurial Training Programme, potential entrepreneurs and members of the Serbian Single Mothers Association, Nis, Serbia.
2021, IMPROVED SAFETY OF WOMEN IN SERBIA – PROJECT MANAGEMENT training program development; UN WOMEN & Norwegian MFA.
2021-on going, Youth Entrepreneurial Training Programmes for 19 high schools in the SE Serbia
- trainings
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