LEDIB Cluster House Team
Who we are
The Cluster House Model is a proven way of supporting and accelerating cluster development in countries in transition. The model fosters collaboration through networks, meetings, advisory services, inter-business networks, matchmaking events, and training sessions. The model covers business support for clusters, SMEs - start-ups and existing companies, which includes business information, consulting, training, communication, B2B C2C matchmaking and promotion and resulted with the following key outputs: (1) Cluster House Cluster Mapping Methodology and Cluster Needs Assessment; (2) Cluster Training Programme for countries in transition; (3) Cluster Learning Trip Programme; (4) Annually Balkan and Black Sea Conferences "Days of Clusters"; (5) Journal "INFOCLUSTER"; (6) Business TV programme “The Balkan Cluster” for cluster development in the Balkans; (7) Coordination of the Balkan and Black Sea Cluster Network.
Act locally, think globally!
The Cluster House values are based on demand driven and result oriented activities, transparent and timely information, using the principles of project management and quality assurance, strategic planning approach, and business ethics.
The general growth strategy of the Cluster House is transforming of the Balkan and Black Sea Cluster Network into the clusters internationalization hub with the aim to promote the cluster-based SME trade cooperation, exchange of know-how, entrepreneurial spirit and human side of management.
The Cluster House is an initiator and a coordinator of the following cluster development networks:
- The Balkan and Black Sea Cluster Network since 2012 which includes over 170 members – clusters and supporting institutions in the region.
- The Serbian Cluster Community Network, based on the signed MoU with the LEDIB Programme and the Serbian Chamber of Commerce and Industry in 2012. The Cluster House is a facilitation manager of the Serbian clusters collaboration platform of 47 Serbian cluster organizations. There are more than 80 clusters in Serbia with more than 47.000 cluster members – around 85% SMEs and about 120.000 employees.
- The Cluster House is coordinating the Balkan Clusters – an electronic platform for cross border cluster cooperation between Bulgaria and Serbia including over 35 cluster members and the CZ-RS SME Trade Bridge – an electronic platform for export-oriented SMEs and clusters between Czech and Serbia.
- The Cluster House Info Centre has developed business network which consists of over 3000 contacts with experts in the field of economic development, institutions and entrepreneurs in the region and on the global level.
The membership is free and the mission of the Networks is making of the cluster synergy in the Balkan and Black Sea region in order to develop transnational cluster-based sustainable economic development projects, approach development funds and appear on new markets.
LEDIB Cluster House Family
Leadership Team

Carsten Lund, M.Sc. (Econ.)
President of the LEDIB Cluster House Union Assembly. Trainer, Mentor, and Project Manager.

Danka Milojković, Ph.D. (Econ.)
Vice-President of the LEDIB Cluster House Union Assembly. Trainer, Mentor, and Project Manager.

Lazar Joksimović, B.Sc. (Econ.)
President of the LEDIB Cluster House Union Management Board. Trainer, Mentor, and Project Manager.